
I believe a vibrant community that takes care of each other is one who shares–information, resources, ideas, stories of trial and triumph! Please check out some of my favorite and most trusted guides, practitioners, teachers and torch bearers!

Eva Goulette Founder of Spirit Camp, geared to honor your child’s spiritual development

Martha Williams, Shamanic Healing & Yoga

Terry Morgan Astrologer, Shamanic Teacher and Fire Tender 

Katherine Vilnrotter Human Givens Practitioner and Sound Healer 

Lucille Meltz, Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Hand Analyst, Author

Barbara Bloecher, Shamanic Teacher and Land Steward

Jody Breton, Interfaith Chaplain/Officiant and Shamanic Practitioner & Mentor

Jacqueline Boudreau, Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Consultant and Energy Medicine

Debra Bluth Flower Essence Practitioner and Herbalist 

Kelly Worster, Gentle Chiropractic Care

Dory Cote, Shamanic Training & Instruction, Healing

Kimberly Zurich, Acupuncture and Natural Medicine